18:56, November 13

Why obesity can cause cancer

A new discovery could explain why obese people are more likely to develop cancer, scientists say. A type of cell the body uses to destroy cancerous tissue gets clogged by fat and stops working, the…

14:08, November 13

WHO warns of dangerously high antibiotics consumption

The World Health Organization warned Monday that antibiotics consumption is dangerously high in some countries while a shortage in others is spurring risky misuse, driving the emergence of deadly superbug infections. In a first, the…

12:36, November 7

Air pollution is linked to a higher risk of autism

New Chinese research has found a link between long-term exposure to air pollution from vehicle exhaust, industrial emissions, and other sources to an increased risk of children developing autism. Carried out by researchers at the…

08:46, November 7

Diabetes Canada warns of ‘epidemic

Diabetes experts say Canada could prevent another million type 2 diabetes diagnoses in the next decade if Ottawa helps to fund something it lacks now: a national diabetes strategy. Officials with Diabetes Canada were joined by Liberal MP…

12:46, November 4

Measles outbreak sparks warning in Poland

Polish health officials are calling on people to vaccinate themselves and their children after measles cases were reported in the region around Warsaw. Health Minister Lukasz Szumowski said 17 recent measles cases in the Mazovia…

12:26, November 2

6 Natural Antioxidants

The human body is a natural producer of free radicals as a result of its processes. Our external environment is also high on free radicals. Antioxidants are substances that naturally counteract the effects of free…

14:10, November 1

Parkinson’s disease ‘may’ start in gut

The brain disease Parkinson’s may actually start in the depths of the digestive system, US scientists say. In their study, people whose appendix had been removed were less likely to develop the neurodegenerative disease. And…

21:40, October 29

Sniffer dogs can identify malaria

Scientists in the UK and The Gambia say they have the first evidence that dogs can sniff out malaria. They have trained dogs to recognise tell-tale aromas using clothes from people infected with the disease….