
13:00, October 23

Sweating blood: bizarre disorder baffles doctors

Canadian medical historian was skeptical about the condition at first. It was probably one of the most bizarre medical cases a team of Italian doctors had ever seen. A 21-year-old woman was admitted to hospital…

23:19, October 18

Research data linking vaccine to autism was manipulated

Lab can’t confirm allegations because original data is no longer at the university, co-author claims. Researchers from the University of British Columbia are retracting their scientific paper linking aluminum in vaccines to autism in mice, because one of…

00:36, October 17

Smoking costs 45,400 lives, $16.2B in a year

Smoking rates are falling, but the death rate and economic cost are rising. There are more than 45,400 deaths in Canada attributable to smoking, and the habit cost the economy $16.2 billion in 2012, according a…

22:53, October 16

Rare condition can make exercise deadly

A relatively unknown condition that can cause a person’s muscles to break down and leak toxins into the blood is on the rise. The condition, highlighted earlier this year in the American Journal of Medicine,…

22:06, October 15

Child and teen obesity spreading across the globe

Child and teenage obesity levels have risen ten-fold in the last four decades, meaning 124m boys and girls around the globe are too fat, according to new research. The analysis in the Lancet is the largest of…

13:50, October 12

Merck scraps disappointing experimental cholesterol drug

German chemicals and pharmaceutical group Merck KGaA has decided to abandon efforts to market a closely watched experimental cholesterol medicine after mediocre test results. Merck’s decision Wednesday to not seek regulatory approval after years of…

16:44, October 9

Childhood bullying anxiety declines over time

Anxiety and depression caused by childhood bullying decreases over time, showing that children are able to recover, a study suggests. The University College London study of 11,000 twins found anxiety problems were still present two…

00:28, October 3

Bags for life can pose food poisoning risk

Bags for life pose a food poisoning risk if they are used to carry raw foods such as meat and fish, a consumer watchdog is warning. The British Food Standards Agency says even if there…

18:48, September 29

Get your flu shots, health officials urge

Small clusters of notorious flu strain already popping up in U.S. as Canadian season begins. It’s flu shot time, and health officials are bracing for a potentially miserable fall and winter. The Southern Hemisphere, especially Australia,…

22:58, September 26

Sports drinks and energy drinks unhealthy for kids

Sports drinks and energy drinks unhealthy for kids and teens, Canadian pediatricians say. Children influenced by advertising for unhealthy food and drinks. Most children and teens shouldn’t consume sports and energy drinks, and the products…

12:58, September 18

4,500 deaths a year from high Europe diesel emissions

Researchers say there have been more than 4,500 premature deaths annually in Europe because diesel cars emitted higher levels of pollution than claimed. The study comes two years after Volkswagen was caught cheating on emissions…

20:32, September 10

Health Canada investigates Canadian stem cell clinics

And senior scientists get stung by predatory publishers. This week Health Canada told CBC News it is following up with some of those clinics “to verify compliance with the Food and Drugs Act.” Health Canada has approved only…