“One for All” or, how to defeat prediabetes

Prediabetes or, as it is called, the Glucose Tolerance Disorder has been attracting attention of research and medical community more and more because it is the last stage during which our body is still able to correct its metabolic processes and prevent a full-blown and quite widespread illness, called Type II Diabetes from developing.

What is this Prediabetes and what are its symptoms?

Four years ago, the Journal of American Medical Association published a report from some Chinese researchers regarding the prevalence of diabetes in China.

Shocking data showed that more than 114 million Chinese people were suffering from Diabetes and that only one-third of them were aware of their illness and were receiving proper medical care.

Even more pessimistic was the conclusion regarding the prevalence of Prediabetes. According to the Chinese medical community’s opinion, more than 493 million citizens of the Celestial were in this dangerous state of health.

In other words, this happened to be almost one-half of the adult population of this enormous country. This resonate report gave rise to the whole series of studies all over the world with the purpose of finding out how realistic is the threat of Prediabetes.

Currently, we are just beginning to receive the first preliminary data and they show that the percentage of prevalence of Prediabetes is likely to depend upon the prevalence of alimentary obesity, a complex of illnesses that are related to one’s excessive body weight.

This means that 20%-70% of adult population of the majority of countries on the planet can, in reality, feel one or another sign of the prediabetic state.

The frightening statistics show that this problem touches practically upon every second citizen of our planet.

What are the symptoms of Prediabetes? Let us briefly indicate some of them:

If you have excessive weight, sleep disturbances, cramps or weakness in hands and feet, increased fatigue, decrease in vision, and, the most important, blood sugar above 6.1 mmol/L., you should, with all seriousness, pay attention to your health and attempt to correct your state of health.

So, what do we do? How do we manage this impending threat? First of all, one needs to pull himself together and calmly create a plan of corrective action. Doctors say that Prediabetes can very frequently be corrected by simple ways, so a person does not develop a full-blown Diabetes.

Medical statistics show that more than 60% of people who have Prediabetes will normalize their state of health if they change their dietary intake and utilize simple natural remedies that lower total glucose levels.

Foremost, it is important to review one’s diet. Not only it is necessary to lower the quantity of the carbohydrates consumed but it is also necessary to cut down on the consumption of fatty and over-fried foods. It is useful to reduce the food serving size in general. Weight loss, even as insignificant as 5-10% of one’s body mass, can significantly slow down the development of the disorder.

But the main component of the Diabetes-containing strategy and the main tool in the fight with Prediabetes should be organic and natural compounds that promote normalization of blood glucose levels.

GLUCOguard+ is a natural, multi-ingredient product, one of the most modern and balanced compounds that promotes decrease of sugar levels in the blood, was developed by Mineral Medix in 2017 and, fortunately, was approved by the Canadian Ministry of Health as a compound that maintains healthy and correct metabolism (processing) of glucose.

The power of this natural remedy is not only in its highly-effective components (alpha-Lipoic acid, 80% Silymarin + Turmeric) but it is also in thoroughly-verified concentrations and dosages of all its components.

This is one precise, powerful, and uncompromising protector for your whole body. It is a unique formula that is capable of effectively lowering one’s glucose (blood sugar) levels by 10-20% and, at the same time, of protecting the liver cells from being damaged by aggressive free radicals.

GLUCOguard+ has been formulated based on a synergic chain principle, that is, when the components support each other and increase actions of each other.

It is also very important to note that while normalizing the processes of glucose (sugar) metabolism and balancing in our body, GLUCOguard+ does not affect the process of insulin production.

This means that one can stop taking this product at any moment without the consequences known as medicinal addiction.

This is due to the fact that the components of GLUCOguard+ facilitate the utilization (assimilation) of glucose in the mitochondria (components of cells) of our body. It is as if the extra sugar is being burned in the special miniature thermal biological units inside the cells of our body.

It is a simple and a very physiological correctional method, without any side effects.

The pharmacokinetic action of GLUCOguard+ (a chain of interactions inside the body) can be compared with an attack performed by a skilled fencer who, using a series of accurate techniques, strikes at several dangerous targets at once. It is a musketeer of some sort who deserves the motto of “All for One and One for All”.

Diabetes is being called a curse of our civilization. It is a pathological condition that is gaining in scale against the background of overproduction crisis and the cult of consumption that accompanies it.

As always, in the case of a serious threat to them, people try to mobilize their efforts and to find the most effective ways to counter the problem.

Active lifestyle, proper nutrition and, of course, effective corrective products such as GLUCOguard+ is the first triad that is capable of not only stopping but also, in many instances, of reversing a dangerous and frequently unnoticeable process of developing a diabetic disorder.

A health problem that has been discovered at its early stages and, if it is not ignored, has a little chance of developing into incurable illness.

As wise men used to say, “Forewarned, means salvaged”. Let us not forget about this and take care of ourselves and our health in time.

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