Arthritis. Theories and Reality“Arthritis” literally means “an inflammation of a joint”. A joint is a place where two bones connect. Medical community knows more than 100 varieties of arthritis; yet, despite there being quite a few various specific signs of the illness, at the foundation of all the varieties of the illness we will see a manifestation of a local inflammatory process of various intensity.

What is the foremost reason for arthritis?

Modern medical science holds that the basis of arthritis is the inflammation of articular tissues and the destruction of contact surfaces. This occurs due to a number of reasons.

External injuries, attacks by one’s own immune system or, simply as a result of an age-related deterioration. It is precisely this, the latter reason which in North America is referred to as “wear and tear” (wearing-out with age), that is not only the most common reason but also the most mysterious and insufficiently studied one. There exist several theories that explain why is it that in some people the arthritis (the “wear and tear”) exhibits itself very early in life, while in others it remains unknown until extremely old age.

One theory points toward a person’s genetic predisposition as a primary reason. Another theory contends that a toxic effect of a viral or a bacterial etiology is to be blamed for everything. The third theory holds entirely differently, namely, that at the basis of the entire disorder lies the weakening of one’s muscular framework that guards one’s joints from overexertion. As our muscles weaken and become less elastic, the overload first falls upon our ligaments, then upon our articular surfaces and cartilages.

But in spite of various causes, inside the joints themselves the picture looks plainer and more predictable.

The joint surfaces gradually rub away and lose their natural smoothness. Thereafter, microinjuries and deformities develop, the normal microcirculation is disrupted, and all the signs of a local inflammation begin to appear. And, where there is an inflammation, there appears pain too.

How one’s body is to be helped in such a situation?

It is entirely obvious that the chief reason for arthritis in a particular patient is not always possible to establish. And even if the reason is established, attempting to correct it, as a rule, is already too late.

In fighting arthritis, it is very important to concentrate on two dominating factors. First, the inflammation and second, a rapid destruction of superficial structures of an articular cartilage. These are unique points of arthritic growth. If we block these points, we actually take away the ability of this illness to develop and thus open a pathway toward remission.

Both these goals are the main tasks of the new, natural complex JOINTguard+ from Mineral Medix.

To keep the negative inflammatory factors in the area of the joints under control and to weaken these factors as much as possible, and, at the same time, to support and to stimulate our body’s own regenerating functions- this is the main idea at the lead of which are all the ingredients that comprise the natural complex JOINTguard+.

A daily dose (three capsules) of this new natural remedy contains the following active ingredients:

  • Andrographis Paniculata, 450 mg (10% andrographolide). A concentrated extract of this plant contains biologically active molecules of dipertene (another name is andrographolide). These molecules promote decrease of articular and vascular swelling which occurs in rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, taking andrographolide supports decrease of immunoglobulins Ig-A and C-4. These immunoglobulins are the acute-phase proteins-markers of inflammation.
  • Chondroitin Sulfate, 1200 mg. A low-molecule fraction of chondroitin sulfate present in the JOINTguard+ complex, promotes improvement of the phosphate-calcium exchange in the cartilaginous tissues and promotes the acceleration of the restorative processes of these tissues. Also, Chondroitin Sulfate-based compound is able to inhibit the degenerative processes in the cartilaginous and connective tissues, suppress the activity of enzymes that cause injury to these tissues thereby promoting the regeneration of the articular bursae. All these factors as a whole, lessen the soreness and increase the mobility of the arthritis-affected joints.
  • Hyaluronic Acid, 180 mg. A non-sulfonated glycosaminoglycan that comprises a basis of extracellular matrix. It is an important component of the articular cartilage that is present in a form of a coating of every cell (chondrocyte). When Hyaluronic Acid combines itself with the aggrecan monomers in the area of connective proteins, large structural units are thus being formed in the articular cartilage. These units are capable of absorbing water. It is precisely these structural units that are responsible for the elasticity of the cartilage i.e., its resistance to dynamic deformation.
  • Silicon, 15 mg. (Choline-stabilized ortho-Silicic Acid). It is a special form of Silicon that promotes the synthesis of hydroxyproline, the chief amino-acid from which our own collagen is being created. Collagen is a protein that provides for durability and elasticity of the connective tissue (a basis for cartilages and tendons) in the human body. Choline-stabilized ortho-Silicic Acid is one of the few stable and, at the same time, biologically available forms of Silicon that is able to positively affect the velocity and volume of the physiologic synthesis of the body’s own collagen. Also, this stabilized form of the ortho-Silicic Acid naturally counters intervertebral disk regeneration.

According to the statistical data from the World Health Organization, tens of millions of people suffer from one or another form of arthritis and there are even more people who do not seek help from professionals. Over the last twenty years, the number of registered cases of arthritis almost doubled and it mineralike this trend will be increasing with every year.

It is believed that every third person will encounter some symptoms of arthritis at a certain point in his or her life. Understanding this reality and accepting it, one should not wait for a miracle but should actively help and support his or her own body as early as possible.

JOINTguard+ is a natural, multi-component combination that is capable of not only positively affecting the process of articular restoration and regeneration but also of resisting destructive inflammatory factors.

Double action, natural ingredients, and a non-standard approach to supporting the restorative function of our body with the help of a special biologically active form of Silicon (this form of Silicon is capable of supporting the synthesis of its own collagen)- all these are the main distinguishing properties of JOINTguard+ from Mineral Medix.

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